Am I a grown-up?
My car is:
- More than 5 years old. (0)
- 3 - 5 years old. (1)
- 2 years old or newer. (2)
- Completely paid for by my parents. (0)
My Response: Completely paid for by my parents. (0) And purchased 5 years ago when I crashed the family Volvo (-.5)
- Is great. I am married or want to be married. (2)
- Is on the radar. Maybe. Someday. *cringe* (1)
- Is something other people do. (0)
My response: Is on the radar. Maybe Someday. *cringe* (1) Right now I can't even consider wanting to marry someone but would like the party.
- Are great. I have at least one. (2)
- Are annoying. I have at least one. (1)
- Are cool. I can't wait to have one. (2)
- Maybe someday. I don't like to think about it. (1)
- I can't imagine being in charge of a child. (0)
My response: I can't imagine being in charge of a child/Maybe someday. I don't like to think about it. (.5)
My retirement plan is:
- Growing at a good rate. (2)
- Something I should start thinking about soon. (1)
- Nonexistant. (0)
My response: Nonexistant (but I think about it often and would start one if I had money) (a well intentioned zero)
Fart Jokes:
- Are always hilarious. (0)
- Can be funny, if not too pandering. (1)
- Are immature. (2)
My response: Can be funny, if not too pandering (1)
The neighbor's noisy stereo is:
- Really annoying. (2)
- Tolerable. They're just having fun. (1)
- Usually drowned out by my stereo. (0)
My response: Tolerable. They're just having fun/Usually drowned out by my stereo. (.5)
I live in:
- A house/condo that I pay for. (2)
- An nice apartment that I rent. (1)
- Some rat-hole that I rent. (0)
- Any where else I can crash for a while. (0)
My response: I'm confused about this one. I live in a nice apartment that I stole out of the hands of a dead woman. And I am moving home in September. (0 or .5)
A teenager asks me to buy him some beer. I:
- Ignore him. (2)
- Think about it. (1)
- Buy him whatever he wants. (0)
- Am a teenager looking for beer as well. (0)
My response: I would totally buy him whatever he wants (0)
My career is:
- Right on track. (2)
- Slowly headed in some general direction. (1)
- A random collection of jobs. (0)
My response: I'm going to Argentina for six weeks and then coming back to nothing. (0)
I found $200. I:
- Blow it on video games and burritos. (0)
- Splurge a little, but put the rest in the bank. (1)
- Deposit it directly into my savings account. (2)
- May actually make rent on time this month! (0)
My response: Splurge a little, but put the rest in the bank. (1)
My score 4 or 3.5. And I am about to turn 23. I'm okay with it.
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